Wandtke & Associates
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Wandtke & Associates has available a wide range of valuation services.  From startups to mature industries from intangible assets to patents and brand names, Wandtke & Associates has the expertise and the experience to meet your valuation needs.  We have performed over 500 valuations for businesses of all types and sized and for a wide range of intangible assets�t likely for a business or intangible asset very similar to yours.

W&A is the first choice of a wide range of attorney referral sources across the country because it delivers a timely, high quality service for a fair price.  We welcome inquiries from prospective clients and their advisors on any issue relating to company value and valuation.


Snap Shot Valuation
Limited Scope Valuation
Full Scope Valuation
Intangible Asset Valuation

Nationally Recognized Authority Providing Valuation

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